“Israel and the Middle East: The Challenge of Peace”
August 16 – Presentation by a member of the Jewish Community Relations Council on the topic, “Israel and the Middle East: The Challenge of Peace”
August 16
Presentation by Phyllis Goldstein, author of “Antisemitism: A Convenient Hatred”
September 5 – Presentation by Phyllis Goldstein, author of “Antisemitism: A Convenient Hatred”; Phyllis traces the history and defines antisemitism
September 5
Fall Exhibition: Hiawatha Insane Asylum
The exhibit tells the story of the first and only asylum dedicated to Indians in the United States. Unfortunately, many of the 350 people housed at the asylum did not suffer mental illness but were incarcerated for questionable reasons including resisting Indian Agents, embracing traditional lifestyles, or simply ‘misbehaving.’
Opens September 22
Winter Art Show
Dakota Discovery Museum is hosting a Winter Art Show in November 2018. Amateur and professional artists may submit images to be considered for the show. The artwork will be on display, and if you wish, for sale to the public.
The opening night of the show will be held December 1st.
November 24 - December 1
Official Opening of Dakota Diaspora: Jews in South Dakota & Transfer of Memory Exhibit
A joint exhibit created in collaboration between Dakota Discovery Museum, the Jewish Community Relations Council, and Dakota Wesleyan University that highlights the stories of people of Jewish Heritage in South Dakota and regional Holocaust survivors.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Family Night at the Museum – “An Evening with the Rabbi”
Family Night at the Museum – “An Evening with the Rabbi”; Rabbi Mendel Alperowitz (Lubavitch Hasidic rabbi) answers questions about Judaism
July 19
Mitchell Municipal Band Concert
Dakota Discovery Village, July 4, 2017 at 7:30 PM. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy! Free admission to the museum.
July 4
Family Night at the Museum - A presentation on “Hadassah”
A presentation on “Hadassah”; named for the woman most well-known as the biblical Queen Esther, Hadassah was founded in 1912 in Baltimore, MD by Jewish American Henrietta Szold; presenters are Carol Rosenthal (Sioux Falls) and Bea Premack (Aberdeen).
May 17