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Past Exhibts

"Fall In" Memorial Day Exhibit


The past summer Memorial Day exhibit was comprised of military items donated and on loan that span across more than a century of military history, including the Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, and Afghanistan. The exhibit had on display memorabilia such as a 19th-century medical kit in pristine condition used during the Spanish-American War, a Red Cross uniform, multiple military uniforms, a Nazi flag and military cap, firearms, buttons, gas masks, government posters and photographs. There was also a Fallen Soldier display in a corner of the exhibit, put together by DWU student and Army veteran Jerry Stravia.

"Faces and Fashions of the Middle Border"

A look at the fashions of the Middle Border and the faces that went with the fashion. Clothing from each decade from the 1880s through the 1940s was highlighted along with images of people, known and unknown who lived in this region during those 60 years


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